और CAA भारत के सविधान पर एक चोट है

जो लोग कहते हे की ये सही हे

वो ये भी जान ले  की भारत का सविधान सर्व-धर्म सम्मान की बात करना है 

और नागरिकता धर्म के अनुसार नहीं दी जा सकती 

या तो 

सभी धर्म को आरक्षण मिलना चाहिए 

वरना किसी भी धर्म को आरक्षण नहीं मिलना चाहिए 

सरकार अपनी ताकत का गलत इस्त्माल कर रही है 

और मै चाहूँगा है इस पार्टी को कभी भारत में दुबारा ना आने दिया जाए 

क्योकि इसने आज तक कभी भी हिन्दू मुस्लिम एकता के लिए कुछ नहीं किया 

जनता को अगर भारत को आगे बढ़ाना  हे 

तो सभी बड़ी पार्टी को छोड़ कर छोटी पार्टी को वोट दाना चाहिए

हालांकि इससे विरोध होगा , लेकिन इससे जल्द ही हम एक विकसित सोच और विकसित देश बन पाएँगे 

NRC and CAA are an injury on India's constitution

People who say this is true

They should also know that the constitution of India is to talk about all-religion respect

And citizenship cannot be granted according to religion


All religion should get reservation

Otherwise no religion should get reservation

Government is misusing its power

And I would like this party to never be allowed to come back to India

Because it has never done anything for Hindu-Muslim unity till date

If the public wants to advance India

So except all big party, small party should vote

Though this will be opposed, but soon we will be able to become a developed and developed country.

( There may be some mistakes in English, please forgive. )